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limki, r. (forthcoming) Decolonising the future of work. Bristol University Press.


Articles and Books Chapters

Greedharry, M., limki, r., Johansson, M., Johnson, J. L., Ahonen, P. (2023) Race difference and power: Recursions of coloniality in work and organization. Gender, Work & Organization, 30(2): 457-468. 

limki, r. (2020) Representing subjugation: or, the figure of the woman in partition historySocial Identities,26:6: 774-790.

limki, r. (2020) Encounters with the undead: Reading the Other(s) in Bolaño’s 2666. In C. de Cock, D. O’Doherty, C. Huber, & S. Just (Eds.), Organization 2666: Literary Troubling, Undoing and Refusal. Springer-Verlag GmbH. 109-127.

limki, r. (2019) Notes on the subaltern: Or, how postcolonial critique meets the perpetrator. In Z. Goldberg, & S. Knittel (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Perpetrator Studies. Routledge.

limki. r. (2018) Review of 'Ground Down by Growth'The Sociological Review. 

limki, r. (2018) On the coloniality of work: Commercial surrogacy in India. Gender, Work & Organization, 25(4): 327-342. 


limki, r. (2015) On solidarity and the politics of bearing witness. In Welch, E. et al. (eds.) Nexus: Complicating Community and the Self. 227-234.

limki, r. (2013) Review of ‘Trafficking Women’s Human Rights’. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 9(1): 197-200. DOI: 10.1177/1743872112463985b.


Meritocracy in the academy isn't fit for purposeTimes Higher Education. March 2022. 


So you don’t think microaggressions have an impact? Times Higher Education. November 2021.

The half-truths of Brexit and Trump. Media Diversified. November 2016.


Should we leave or remain in the EU: A Virtual Roundtable. Media Diversified. June 2016.


A Crisis of Personhood: When violence becomes visceral. Strike! Magazine. Issue 15. March-April 2016.


Silencing indigenous lives: Climate March 2015. New Internationalist. December 1 2015. (co-authored with members of the Wretched of the Earth Collective.)

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